You Fit

The Divine Enigma

Suddenly you were there part of my life
For the first time ever I let someone in without a second thought
And you fit
Perfectly into a place I didn’t know existed
In a way I didn’t know I needed
You added to my puzzle
Making it brighter
Changing the picture in the simplest but most profound of ways.

I think that in all my lifetimes
In the my entire existence
I could not have found that which you have given me by simply being you
I feel complete in a way I didn’t know I could.
You make my heart happy and my soul sing in a way I never knew it could.

The thought of you not being part of my life
It frightens me in a way that I have never known.
Because of you my world is brighter
My steps are lighter
My thoughts are no longer filled with darkness
And my faith has been restored

Because of you I feel a love I’ve never known before
I look forward to the future
All of this because
You Fit Perfectly
With me

Storm Dancer 8/3/20

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