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Artificial Flower of Life & The Fibonacci Death Sequence

By the Conscious Expansion Movement Unified Eternal Consciousness (Christos) vs. Fragmented Finite Consciousness (anti-Christ)  Essentially, the Thothian Luciferian agenda was to utterly destroy the Krystal Spiral and all organic creation code, matrices and artifacts that included Base 12 Math and replace it with their own imposter versions of Base 10 Math, which includes the Metatronic Flower of Life geometry pattern, which is more aptly called … Continue reading Artificial Flower of Life & The Fibonacci Death Sequence

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The Meaning of Life

Let’s talk about the meaning of life and what exactly we are here on earth to do for a second.   Perhaps no one knows the true reason why we are here and what it is we are meant to do, but certainly, many of us have thoughts and ideas. This is a time of year when many of us think about some of these big … Continue reading The Meaning of Life

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 Mabon/ Autumn Equinox 

REMEMBERING OLD TRADITIONS BY Sara Lynn  Mabon/ Autumn Equinox  The weather  is finally just beginning to cool for the first time since summer began. We are heading into the fall season which starts on the  day of the Autumn equinox. This is one of 2 days throughout the year where day and night are equal in length. This will not occur again until the spring … Continue reading  Mabon/ Autumn Equinox 

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Every day Magick

Incorporate magic into your life daily Everyday Magick  Hardly a day goes by when someone doesn’t ask me how I can incorporate magick into my life. This  seems like a complex question when you look at it, not knowing what magick is, but when you have a clear understanding of what magick is and how it works it is  really quite simple. Magick is defined … Continue reading Every day Magick

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Its Done

January 27th 2021 What’s done is doneYou can’t turn back the hands of timeYou can’t go back to what once wasChoices were made,Lines were drawnPeople were hurts and lives were changedCasting lots see what remainsEver-changing, ever growingWhat was shall never be again.Days go by, month pass, years fly byStill the pain remains, EvermoreYou can’t go back to what is no more. What’s done is doneYou … Continue reading Its Done


”Ialdabaoth, who corresponds to Zeus in the Orphic and Platonic metaphysics, is called the Demiurgus or Lord of the World.Ialdabaoth gave birth out of himself to six sons who, together with their father, became the seven planetary spirits. These were called the Seven Archons and correspond with the Guardians of the World described by Hermes. Theirnames and order according to Origen are as follows: Ialdabaoth … Continue reading PLANETARY SPIRITS

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Cards of Destiny

Keys to the Mastery of the world This system uses a regular deck of playing cards. It is based on numerology, astrology and the science of the cards. Unlike tarot or oracle readings, these cards have a special position for every year of your life, which includes your Life Spread that covers your entire lifetime, and a Spiritual Spread that tells you about yourself prior … Continue reading Cards of Destiny

Facebook Groups

Spiritual Mystical Esoteric Spiritual Metaphysical Advisors Healers, Tarot Readers. Mediums and more Jewels of the Moon Divination Crystal Clear Readings Divine Intuitive Readings Crystal Rose reading group Lions Pride Network Healing Innovations Divine Team By Juan Accuracy Psychic Intuitive Eye Reading Divine Soul Expression Modern Mysticism Continue reading Facebook Groups

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Who am I…

I’m a Warrior I’ve certainly had my shares of ups and downs – so much so I was diagnosed with rapid cycling bipolar as a child. I’m learning now that part of what controls this is based on the way the stars were aligned the moment I was born. I’m a Gemini: of course I would struggle with duality! My spiritual shell is comprised of … Continue reading Who am I…

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The Complications of a Mystic is always Maddening:

Mystical Madness of the Mystical Madam of Mayhem I may be a bit crazy but I allowed People to drive me there! Should I check in or should I check the fuck out Melanie Renae I don’t know what is worse, losing time or money? I really Need to hold myself accountable for allowing this to keep happening, but I must Bitch and moan about … Continue reading The Complications of a Mystic is always Maddening: