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Saturn Ruled Moon while the Sun Transiting the Moon Ruled Cancer Sign The moon is your emotional world with in, and feelings, as well as a link to your mother and your deep personal feelings to her and the world around. (Do you know your moon sign?) The moon is inner world as the sun shines to your outer world. Capricorn is about Integrity, hard … Continue reading FULL MOON IN CAPRICORN

Synchronicity, Jung and Astrology

By Maggie Hyde The psychology of Carl Jung has been one of the most formative influences on modern astrology. There are few contemporary texts that do not somewhere rely on, quote or misquote a concept that comes directly from Jung. In her widely acclaimed book Jung and Astrology Maggie Hyde opens up the debate concerning the limits of psychological astrology, reviewing which parts of his theories have … Continue reading Synchronicity, Jung and Astrology

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The Twelve Kingdoms of Light: The Myth of God’s Children and How the Zodiac Signs Got Their Groove On

Astrology and Kabbalah can be fully understood when we shift our mind from its usual preoccupation with cause and effect, beginning and end, to the more authen- tic truth of cycles that continue round and round to eternity. The following myth of God’s children demonstrates the cyclical and eternal essence of astrology. There is no beginning and no end to any true system of symbolism. … Continue reading The Twelve Kingdoms of Light: The Myth of God’s Children and How the Zodiac Signs Got Their Groove On


Esoteric Astrology: The Revealer of the Soul’s Intention Understanding the Soul’s Path When walking the spiritual path, understanding the intention of the Soul is paramount. In fact, it can be said that living a spiritual life is based upon the conviction that the Higher Self (Soul) seeks to guide us along a particular path of development. Its light radiates through us, and by so doing, prompts us … Continue reading ESOTERIC ASTROLOGY


”Ialdabaoth, who corresponds to Zeus in the Orphic and Platonic metaphysics, is called the Demiurgus or Lord of the World.Ialdabaoth gave birth out of himself to six sons who, together with their father, became the seven planetary spirits. These were called the Seven Archons and correspond with the Guardians of the World described by Hermes. Theirnames and order according to Origen are as follows: Ialdabaoth … Continue reading PLANETARY SPIRITS

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Unique Vibrations

Host: Electrical Essence The essence of the mind is the energy of the soul Uniquely You! The Podcast is geared towards many diverse topics. It is set it up to be an advocate for unique self expression and individuality The Description of the show: Individuality is a unique expression of who we are in this life time and the more we express it the more … Continue reading Unique Vibrations

The Spiritual Dimension of Pluto

The bad guy is on the run, and the good guys are on his heels. The villain runs into a crowded room and grabs the first innocent victim that he can find, and holds the damsel close to himself, shouting, “don’t shoot or the girl gets it!” The villain escapes out the back door, hoping to make it off with its hostage and survive. This is … Continue reading The Spiritual Dimension of Pluto

12 Zodiac Personality

Capricorn– The Go-Getter-Patient and wise. practical and rigid. Ambitious. Tends to be Good-looking. Humorous and funny. Can be a bit shy and reserved. Often pessimistic. Capricorns tend to act before they think and can be Unfriendly at times. Hold grudges. Like competition. Get what they want. Aquarius– The Sweetheart Optimistic and honest. Sweet personality. Very independent. Inventive and intelligent. Friendly and loyal. Can seem unemotional. … Continue reading 12 Zodiac Personality

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The Dark side of the 12 Zodiac and the Asshole characteristics

Something I came across over 15 years ago, and love to share when I get the chance. Its good to look at the possible realist shit side of the zodiac, not always butterflies and cotton candy! Melanie Renae 2020 Aries: You are nothing but a primate. You charge headlong like a brute and you don’t have a clue what subtlety could mean. Moreover, you are … Continue reading The Dark side of the 12 Zodiac and the Asshole characteristics