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Celebrating Yule

Winter Season of Holidays We have essentially cycled through an entire calendar year. This has brought us to the colder months where the daylight has become shorter, and the nights are longer. With this time of year comes the celebration of Yule. This is widely considered a Pagan holiday and observed by many. In my prior article pertaining to this festive season, I briefly discussed … Continue reading Celebrating Yule

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Yules Around the World

Pagan Celebration of Winter In December, the days grow colder and the nights grow longer for those of us in the Northern hemisphere. This is a time for the cold and barren; the quiet and calm. Many of us choose to stay in the warmth of our homes to stay out of the cold and there is much focus on family and togetherness. There are … Continue reading Yules Around the World

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Based off the day and time of your birth Your first rune – The solar rune  Find your birthdate and your first rune below:  29th June – 14th July – Fehu  14th July – 29th July – Uruz  29th July – 13th August – Thurisaz  13th August – 29th August – Ansuz  29th August – 13th September – Raidho  13th September – 28th September – … Continue reading BIRTH RUNES  

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The Meaning of Life

Let’s talk about the meaning of life and what exactly we are here on earth to do for a second.   Perhaps no one knows the true reason why we are here and what it is we are meant to do, but certainly, many of us have thoughts and ideas. This is a time of year when many of us think about some of these big … Continue reading The Meaning of Life

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 Mabon/ Autumn Equinox 

REMEMBERING OLD TRADITIONS BY Sara Lynn  Mabon/ Autumn Equinox  The weather  is finally just beginning to cool for the first time since summer began. We are heading into the fall season which starts on the  day of the Autumn equinox. This is one of 2 days throughout the year where day and night are equal in length. This will not occur again until the spring … Continue reading  Mabon/ Autumn Equinox 

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Every day Magick

Incorporate magic into your life daily Everyday Magick  Hardly a day goes by when someone doesn’t ask me how I can incorporate magick into my life. This  seems like a complex question when you look at it, not knowing what magick is, but when you have a clear understanding of what magick is and how it works it is  really quite simple. Magick is defined … Continue reading Every day Magick