Its Done

January 27th 2021

What’s done is done
You can’t turn back the hands of time
You can’t go back to what once was
Choices were made,
Lines were drawn
People were hurts and lives were changed
Casting lots see what remains
Ever-changing, ever growing
What was shall never be again.
Days go by, month pass, years fly by
Still the pain remains, Evermore
You can’t go back to what is no more.

What’s done is done
You can’t turn back the hands of time
You can’t go back to what once was
Choices were made,
Lines were drawn
People were hurts and lives were changed
Casting lots see what remains
Ever-changing, ever growing
What was shall never be again.
Days go by, month pass, years fly by
Still the pain remains, Evermore
You can’t go back to what is no more.

Sara lynn

Sara Lynn

Check out Sara Lynn at Sacred Dragon for Psychic Readings, Healing , Products spells and more!

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